Are You Punishing Yourself By Overeating?

Emotional eaters use overeating for different reasons. Some overeat as a way to reward themselves, while others overeat to combat stressful emotions like loneliness or depression. Another area that is often over looked is overeating as a form of punishment. Are you punishing yourself, someone else or society?

  • Overeating to Punish Yourself

          Overeating in this instance is an act of self-loathing; it’s a way to get           back at yourself. Thoughts such as, “I’m not good enough, No one           cares about me, I feel like a failure, Why can’t I control myself and           lose weight”, could be some of the many emotions that lead to           overeating. An emotional eater will sometimes overeat as a way to           inflict pain upon themselves.

  • Overeat to Punish Someone Else

          Overeating in this instance is an act of defiance, usually directed at           a partner or parent, to prove that the emotional eater cannot be           controlled. While not wanting to be dominated by another person is           completely normal, jeopardizing your health in order to do so isn’t           effective.

  • Overeating to Punish Society

          Society places ridiculous demands on us (especially women) to           adhere to unrealistic “standards”. Size-zero dresses and cellulite-less           models are two examples that immediately come to mind. Society’s           unhealthy, and un-natural worship of “thin” leaves many feeling           hopeless and alienated; their subsequent overeating is as much an           abandonment of hope to keep up, as it is a backhand slap to the           magazines or media that tell them they don’t fit in.

What Can You Do?

If you suspect you are overeating as a form of punishment, the starting point to healing is a simple question: Why?

Ask Yourself

For what reason am I overeating as a form of punishment? Who exactly am I trying to punish?

Journal about it and seek the help of a therapist that specializes in eating disorders. A good therapist will help you sift through the emotions that lead to this form of punishment. A registered dietitian can also help point you in the right direction.

Source: Shrink Yourself