Get Your Spin On

Have you been thinking about going to your first Spin class but are a little intimidated by the bikes, the set-up, the positions, or that you aren’t fit enough to finish the class. That’s totally normal!

It’s been awhile since I’ve taken my first spin class, but I do remember thinking that I wasn’t in shape enough to do it and being intimidated by the people attending the class. If you’re a little cycle-shy but have always been a little curious, I’d like to encourage you to give it a try.

Spinning is a studio cycling workout that is excellent for strengthening your heart, core, butt, legs, thighs, and calves.

The beauty of spin is that you are able to tailor the workout to your ability and comfort level. You are in complete control, which was very appealing to me when I first started. The workouts are fun and done to music, so with a good instructor, the time flies by!

Check out Revolution Fitness on Montana in Santa Monica, they will make you feel right at home.