Counseling and Classes

Nutrition Counseling

Individual appointments encompass a very comprehensive assessment in which medical, nutritional, exercise and lifestyle histories are obtained.

Lab values are interpreted, current medications and supplements reviewed, body composition measured, as well as discussion related to your overall health and wellness goals. Based on these parameters a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan is created. At subsequent appointments you will be guided in acquiring the skills needed to change old habits. New strategies will be discussed to help you get through plateaus or circumstances that make it difficult for you to stay on course with your plan. Stacey Whittle will support you in reaching your health goals in a realistic and achievable manner.

Phone/Email Counseling

I strive to attain the same level of professionalism and attention to detail in our Phone/Email sessions as we would in our office appointments. This is ideal for the busy person who is trying to balance health goals, work, travel and family or the person who lives outside of the Santa Monica / Los Angeles area.

Group Classes/Corporate Wellness

We offer group education classes and corporate wellness programs on a variety of topics, such as women’s health, weight loss, cardiovascular disease, diabetes management, and the healthy way to detox/cleanse and heal.